Year: 2013
1/17 [elc]   ELC Mini-Workshop (C01)
Place : CELC
Workshop on Randomness and Computation (organized by ELC C01)

This is the first workshop for the C01 project team.  Two foreign
collaborators of C01 team are invited and with them we will have
a mini workshop for discussing collaborations between theoretical
computer science and statistical physics.

Date: 2013 Jan. 17th
Time: 1:30 - 5:30
Place: Center for ELC at Tokyo Tech CIC, Tamachi
Talks: (the detail schedule will be determined at the workshop)

0. Opening: Brief introduction to C01 project
   by Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

1. The minimum vertex cover problem in random hypergraphs:
   replica-symmetric solution and a leaf removal algorithm
   by Koji Hukushima (Univ. of Tokyo)

2. Searching for witness of unsatisfiability for a random
   3-SAT formula
   by Haijun Zhou

3. Statistical mechanics approach to the sample complexity
   of dictionary learning
   by Yoshiyuki Kabashima (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

4. Where the really hard problems really are?
   by Lenka Zdeborova (CNRS and Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA)

We may go somewhere nearby for eating/drinking after the

Host: Osamu Watanabe (