Year: 2013
3/13 [elc]   Satellite Mini-Workshop, Shinagawa
Place : Kyoto Univ. Shinagawa Office
Mar13(Wed) Satellite Mini-Workshop, Shinagawa

venue: Kyoto Univ. Shinagawa Office, Intercity Shinagawa Bldg. A 27F, Shinagawa
registration not necessary; no participation fee; everybody is welcome
organizers: Yoshio Okamoto(UEC), Suguru Tamaki(Kyoto U), Jun Tarui(UEC)

each talk will have a 15-min break in the middle
10:30--12:15 David Zuckerman: Randomness Extraction:  A Survey
12:15--13:40 lunch (on your own)
13:40--15:25 Ran Raz: Parallel Repetition of Two Prover Games: A Survey
15:25--15:45 break
15:45--17:30 Noam Nisan: Algorithmic Mechanism Design: Multi-unit Auctions
18:00--      impromptu dinner party at Shinagawa
             (We plan to walk to a dinner place from the workshop 
              venue.  Please note that dinner is not free of charge, 
              and you are kindly asked to come on time.)