Year: 2016
6/23 [elc]   ELC Seminar (Sebastian Pokutta)
Place : 九州大学 伊都キャンパス ウェスト2号館 3階 大講義室(W2-313)
場所:九州大学 伊都キャンパス ウェスト2号館 3階 大講義室(W2-313)

Speaker:Dr. Sebastian Pokutta (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Title: An introduction to Extended Formulations 
- capturing the expressive power of LPs and SDPs

  Linear and semidefinite programming are two core optimization 
paradigms with many important applications in mathematics, 
engineering, and business. However, the expressive power of these 
modeling paradigms is only partially understood so far and extended 
formulations are a powerful and natural tool to analyze the 
possibilities and limitations of linear and semidefinite programming 

  In this talk I will provide an overview of recent breakthrough 
results in extended formulations, both in the linear and the 
semidefinite setting, and lay out a reduction frameworks for 
establishing upper and lower bounds for the size of exact and 
approximate LP and SDP formulations. This framework allows for 
surprisingly simple and convenient analyzes without relying on any 
heavy machinery.
