Year: 2016
7/25 [elc]   ELC Seminar (Dr. Akihiro Kishimoto)
Place : Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Ookayama Campus W8 10F Seminar Room W1008
場所:東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 西8号館W棟10F W1008

Speaker:Dr. Akihiro Kishimoto (IBM Research, Ireland)

Title: Efficient AND/OR search algorithms for exact MAP inference
       task over graphical models
Graphical models provide a powerful framework for reasoning with
probabilistic information. Combinatorial maximization, or maximum
a posteriori (MAP) tasks arise in many applications and often can
be efficiently solved by search schemes, especially in the context
of AND/OR search spaces that are sensitive to the underlying
problem structure.
In this talk, I present the power of limited memory best-first
search over AND/OR search spaces, named RBFAOO, which performs
exact MAP inference over graphical models. I also present a
parallelized version of RBFAOO which runs in a shared-memory
environment. I show that RBFAOO is empirically superior to the
current state-of-the-art approaches based on AND/OR search,
especially on very hard problem instances.

ホスト 渡辺治(C01)