Year: 2016
9/1 [elc]   ELC Seminar on Algorithmic Fun (Erik Demaine & Stefan Langerman 講演会)
Place : 電気通信大学 西9号館 3階 AVホール
場所:電気通信大学 西9号館3階AVホール(地図↓)


15:00 -- 16:00: Stefan Langerman (Universite Libre de Bruxells)
Title: a covering of the plane with copies of a geometric shape (tiles) 
without gaps or overlaps. 
An unfolding is obtained by cutting along the surface of a polyhedron through 
all its vertices, and opening all the dihedral angles between adjacent faces 
to obtain a single flat nonoverlapping geometric shape.
  In this hands-on talk, I will explore connections between these two 
fascinating concepts, in an attempt to shed some light on the following still 
unsolved algorithmic problem:
  How easy (or hard) is it to determine if a given geometric shape can tile 
  the plane?
and the following more artistic and no less fundamental problem:
  How to create beautiful (or even ugly) tilings?
16:00 -- 17:00: Erik D. Demaine (MIT)
Title: Why Mario is so Hard/Fun
One hypothesis for why humans like to play games and solve puzzles is that 
they enjoy the challenge.  We can formalize the notion of challenge using 
computational complexity theory: if it's challenging for even a computer 
to play perfectly, then it's going to be challenging for a human as well. 
I will describe several such results, including that Super Mario Bros. and 
Mario Kart are PSPACE-complete, which essentially means that you can build 
typical computers inside these games.  Proving these hardness results is 
itself a fun kind of game/puzzle, where we need to construct pieces of 
game levels to implement pieces of a computer, like memory and wires.

懇親会参加者は下記URLからお申し込みください(8/30 17:00〆切)。
