Year: 2016
9/12 [elc]   ELC Seminar (Pascal Schweitzer)
Place : CELC Seminar room (Rm. 404)
Time & Date: Sep. 12 (Mon) 2016, 14:00-15:10
Place: CELC Seminar room (Rm. 404)
Speaker: Pascal Schweitzer
Title: Symmetry in Algorithm Design

In discrete mathematics, symmetry is a ubiquitous concept that can both be a blessing and
a curse. Symmetry arises naturally in many computational problems and can be used for
search space compression or pruning. However, its presence can also hinder algorithms from
making progress. Both in theory and practice, the algorithmic state-of-the-art techniques
used to detect and exploit symmetry in combinatorial objects are a combination of
algorithmic graph and group theory. With this in mind we take a journey from theory over
implementations to applications.

Highlighting both the theoretical and practical validity of this insight, I will describe
novel applications of symmetry in machine learning and static program analysis as well as
discuss the more complexity theoretic foundation.

(Hosts: Masashi Kiyomi and Yota Otachi)