ELC Seminar (Dr. David Rosenbaum)

Time & Date March 22nd(Tue) 13:30-14:30
Place CELC (Center for ELC), Seminar room (Rm. 404)
Speaker Dr. David Rosenbaum (The University of Tokyo)
Title Algorithms for hard instances of group isomorphism
The group isomorphism problem asks us to determine if two groups defined by their multiplication tables are isomorphic. In addition to being of interest as a fundamental problem in computational group theory, it is a special case of the graph isomorphism problem and is a significant obstacle to improving Babai’s recent quasipolynomial-time algorithm for graph isomorphism. For several decades, the best worst-case algorithm known for difficult cases of group isomorphism was the generator-enumeration algorithm which runs in n^(log n + O(1)) time. In this talk, we consider several difficult cases of the group isomorphism problem and show improvements over the generator-enumeration algorithm.

(host: F. Le Gall and O. Watanabe, watanabe@is.titech.ac.jp)
